Our three, four and five year olds

Providing an environment which enables children to flourish as critical thinkers, confident learners and resilient play partners.

Our qualified pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and preschool teachers and educators are committed to working with and alongside your child as they engage with the ever-changing nature of our world. We know they’ll need a wide range of life skills and an emerging sense of self as they approach their school years.

A Harmony day for our three to fives

TimeOur three, four and five years (pre-kindergarten and kindergarten)
6.30amChildren and parents welcomed
Breakfast is served
6.30am-9.00amIndoor/outdoor experiences
Planning for purposeful play
9:00amMorning meeting
9.30 am-11.30amOur kindergarten day involves:
Literacy and numeracy
Creative arts
Science and natural world
Small and large group experiences
Physical literacy program
Community and culture
11.30am – 12.30pmProgressive lunch
2.00pm – 5.00pmAfternoon play
Afternoon tea
5.00pm – 6.30pmPlanning and resetting for tomorrow
Daily reflection time
Late snack provided

In our studios for children three to five years, we approach our day in a calm and unhurried way, while still ensuring we incorporate key elements such as:

  • Morning meetings: Our morning meetings are an important launch point and key ritual for the day. All children are encouraged to share their thinking for play and encouraged to plan for their play. This could be a verbal plan discussed with our educator or a drawing/record of their plan. This helps them create a structure for their large block of uninterrupted time in the morning.
  • Mealtimes: We work with progressive meals times as part of supporting self-regulation for all age groups of children. In this way, children have an opportunity to sit with small groups of friends to enjoy a self-serve meal or snack at the table. We use real crockery and utensils in order to connect children to the real world. Educators always sit at the table alongside children to support this social learning experience.
  • Rest times: Another opportunity for children to begin to develop autonomy as they are supported by educators to go to sleep or rest independently – including our older infants. All children can rest or participate in quiet time learning activities for a period during the day to recharge for the afternoon.
  • Small group: times are offered throughout the day and include music, dance, story reading and storytelling, small and large muscle physical play, games with rules, and reflections on learning.
  • Creative experiences: We invite children to explore a selection of materials and resources, colour palettes, utensils and mediums each day– all readily available and within easy access to express their thinking and understanding of the world.
  • Exploratory times: Each day children are offered large blocks of uninterrupted time for play and inquiry. Children at Harmony can plan for play across all our spaces using a wide variety of resources and materials with support from peers and educators.


We understand healthy foods and drinks impact the growth and wellbeing of your child. We’re committed to providing wholesome, nutritious and balanced meals every day. We also fully support mothers who breastfeed – you’re most welcome to come into your child’s studio to feed at any time.

You can learn more about our nutrition philosophy and meals plans on our Nutrition Page.

Parent communication

Communication with parents and families is especially important to Harmony Learning. We’re always open to learning more about your child’s requirements, along with any feedback you have about the centre. You can contact us anytime here.

Book a tour at your
local Harmony centre

Talk with our educators about how we can assist your child transition from home to Harmony each morning. Contact your local Harmony centre to book a tour.