Our two to three year olds

Two to three year olds learn through exploration, investigation and inquiry. These exciting and curious years bring increased independence and more questions.

Our passionate early childhood educators welcome each child with enthusiasm and respect. We know that this age group is curious, energetic and in a growth leap – that’s why we focus on learning about each child and develop a self-paced environment to help them flourish and succeed. We encourage comprehensive, two-way communication to keep you informed with how your child is progressing with and alongside us.

A Harmony Day for our two to threes

TimeTwo – three years
6.30amChildren and parents welcomed
Breakfast is served
6.30am-9.00amIndoor/outdoor experiences
9:00amMorning meeting
9.30 am-11.30amCreative experiences
Peer interactions (small + large)
Literacy and numeracy
Music and movement
2.00pm – 3.00pmChild interest led indoor/outdoor experiences
3.00 pmAfternoon tea
3.30pm-6.30pmOutdoor experiences
Late snack provided

In our studios catering to two to three year old children, we support the following core concepts:

  • Rest and sleep times: As a service we begin to develop rest and sleep rituals for our group of two to three year olds. If your child does not require a sleep during their day, we offer alternative, quiet-time learning experiences.
  • Mealtimes: Children are viewed as confident and capable during mealtime and are aware of their own needs. We know that they’ll eat as much or as little as their body needs.
  • Independent toileting: To ensure toileting success, educators invite children to this experience with patience and trust. We create an unrushed and positive experience for your child while they gain toileting independence. Your child will be supported with the utmost respect and with special attention to their dignity during these moments.
  • Creative experiences: We invite children to explore a selection of materials and resources, colour palettes, utensils and surfaces each day – all readily available and within easy access to express their thinking and understanding of the world.
  • Exploratory times: Each day, our two-threes are offered large blocks of uninterrupted time for play and inquiry. Children at Harmony can plan for play across all our spaces using a wide variety of resources and materials with support from peers and educators.


We understand healthy foods and drinks impact the growth and wellbeing of your child. We’re committed to providing wholesome, nutritious and balanced meals every day. We also fully support mothers who breastfeed – you’re most welcome to come into your child’s studio to feed at any time.

Learn more about our nutrition philosophy and meals plans on our Nutrition Page.

Parent communication

Communication with parents and families is especially important to Harmony Learning. We’re always open to learning more about your child’s requirements, along with any feedback you have about the centre. You can contact us anytime here.

Book a tour at your
local Harmony centre

Talk with our educators about how we can assist your child transition from home to Harmony each morning. Contact your local Harmony centre to book a tour.